Scale Your Marketing

Award Winning PPC Agency

Digital tribe creates tailored media plans that grow your business.

What We Do

Digital Tribe is an award-winning agency that can take any business from great to extraordinary. Our expertise spans the following areas, which has allowed us to offer robust services that are designed to maximize your full online potential.

Custom Audience Targeting

Target Audience Research

Our PPC agency carefully selects custom audiences on different advertising platforms to ensure your ads get in front of the right people. Once the campaign is up and running, we monitor audiences as well as demographic and geographic data to make adjustments to the campaign, focusing your budget on the prospects more likely to convert.

Competitive Analysis

Our team uses auction insights and third-party tools to identify your top competitors and collect information on their keywords, ad copy, landing pages, bids, and spend. We use this information to form a deep understanding of their paid platforms and ensure we stay competitive on the search engine results page using the proper strategies.

Holistic Strategy

Paid media is only a piece of your digital strategy. We take a look at your overarching marketing and SEO operations, peek into your sales funnel, and use these insights to develop a new paid media strategy that folds into your goal seamlessly. Our custom strategy is uniquely designed to meet your objectives within your budget.

Ad Design & Development

With the help of our talented designers, we develop eye-catching ads that are sure to perform. Our award-winning design team creates landing pages that will drive quality conversions from the targeted paid traffic.

Monitoring and Optimization

After setting up your unique campaigns, our PPC agency continuously monitor and optimize them to improve their performance and boost your return on investment. “Set it and forget it” has never been in our vocabulary.


Our team diligently analyzes data to create easy-to-read, transparent, and custom monthly reports that highlight campaign performance. With our insights, you’ll always know exactly how your campaigns are performing.

What Makes Our Paid Media Strategies Different?

Our data-driven team has a passion for paid media and digital marketing, which gives us an edge as we work to get results for our clients. Above all, we understand the power of using SEO to inform our paid media strategies.

Digital tribe, we know that pay per click and SEO go hand in hand, and having SEO best practices at the center of our campaigns keeps us agile and competitive in the ever-changing paid media space (and it also saves on marketing spend).

That said, we never take a one-size-fits-all approach with our clients. Every client gets a unique, fully-transparent strategy that’s tailored to their specific goals and often gravitates toward bespoke solutions rather than relying on third-party tools to do the work for us.

If you have goals of boosting your CRO and building a new website, even better! Our team can help with any and all paid media needs — just ask and we’ll deliver.

Basically, we’re a bunch of PPC-obsessed folks ready to help you get more qualified website traffic. What more could you want?

Frequently Asked Questions

What is PPC Marketing?

Paid media is a way for businesses to promote their content through various mediums, like sponsored social media posts, display ads, paid search results, retargeting ads, and more.

How is success measured in my PPC campaign with Digital Tribe

We. Track. Everything. We utilize Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics, and Google Call Tracking to track valuable actions taken on your ads and your website, such as form fills, button clicks, phone calls, and more. Data drives everything we do in your campaign, so correctly tracking and attributing conversions is paramount.

How can I outperform my competitors?

After we identify your priority services, we do an in-depth analysis using tools to identify competitor keywords, ad copy, and landing pages to help drive our strategy to remain

How quickly can I expect results?

The beauty of a PPC campaign is that you’ll immediately start seeing results as soon as you turn it on. That said, turning it on is the easy part. We never take a set-it-and-forget-it approach. Our team optimizes and tunes the campaign several times a week to continually get better and better metrics.

Get Free Consultation

Get in touch with us today! We’re always happy to set up a time for us to talk about your digital marketing goals.